
I have taken many interesting courses in University of Science and Technology of China and National University of Singapore.

University of Science and Technology of China

  • Algebra: Modern Algebra.

  • Analysis and Equations: Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations I & II.

  • Geometry: Differential Geometry.

  • Probability and Statistics: Probability Theory, Applied Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Statistic.

  • Applied Math: Operations Research, Optimization Algorithms, Foundations of Algorithms, Combinatorics.

National University of Singapore

  • Foundations of Optimization

  • Stochastic Processes I

  • Econometric Modeling and Applications I

  • Theory and Algorithms for Online Learning

  • Theory and Algorithms for Machine Learning

  • Robust modeling and optimization

  • Optimization in Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Advanced Probability Theory

  • Foundations of Inventory Management

  • Advanced Microeconomic Theory